Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Reason Why

Reason #1 why my scooter started: I found my keys on my key chain I use every single day, multiple times a day

Reason #1 why my scooter rocks:  It started up on the first try after a long cold winter

Reason #1 why my scooter didn't make it to "Lake Winona" for my run today: I didn't store it with enough gas to make it to the closest gas station

The only reason why it is better to have a scooter instead of a Harley-it was easy to Flinstone my way back to my garage until I get gas.

Reason #1 why I don't need to see a comedy show tonight: I have laughed far too hard at myself

I blame all of this on lack of sleep. Every night before I finally conk-out I mentally pack and then unpack in the dirty south.  I think it means I should just start packing.  All I have done so far is put a pair of shoes in their shoe box. I then decided it was too early.

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