Tuesday, March 29, 2011

OD on OJ

My Arkansas visit left me with a nasty cold. So I picked up a jug of OJ on the way home from work and plan in drinking the whole thing by 8pm tonight-that is if I can even stay up that late. I am chilled to the bone with a fever.  

Today was my last day at work here in Winona and it was a very weird feeling turning off my computer and pushing in my chair for the last time.  I am going to miss my co-workers very much but can keep in touch with them always and definitely will.  I am very excited to move to a place where I know ABSOLUTELY no one and see myself grow in the amazing experiences I know are yet to come.  It fills me with so much joy that I have tears in my eyes whenever I think about it.  I feel so blessed. So so so blessed. I know I am on the right path, I can feel it stronger than ever, and I love that I have no clue as to where this path is really headed. Ok enough with the emotions-lets blame it on my cold medicine.

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