Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cantaloupe Coma

You can tell it has been awhile since I have had a good ripe cantaloupe as I eat half of the dang thing in a sitting! 

Today I visited the AR DMV here in Conway to see what all needs to be done to switch over and be a legitimate Arkie.  Then I traveled to Little Rock and WOW is that a big city.  It reminds me a lot of Minneapolis as it is right on the Arkansas River and all.  It is also about 30 minutes away.

I am currently on the hunt for a nice big clock to fill this wall space behind me as well as some patio furniture.  

I found this at Kirkland's marked down from $69.99 to $19.99 and it is big, bright, and light, but I will be returning it tomorrow.  It is just not what I have in mind.

I also stopped at a visitor center today and a lady helped me load up on plenty of reading material to see what all is around here and where to take my lovely visitors when they arrive!!
I hauled out a cart  on my "balcony?" and a beer and then a glass of cupcake pinot grigio while I researched.  While I was out there a car was going by the road that you see and at the same time a guy was teeing off and you guessed it....the car was hit by the golf ball.  I see a lot of hooks on my porch as I am on a very narrow fairway.  No windshields were broken, I think it landed on his hood, it all happened so fast and I was very entertained-just glad it wasn't me.

You can tell I am right on the Bible belt.  This is a brochure for some caves. 

Then I spray painted all of my wine glasses white and tried to turn a green vase white...That one will be coming down, I will just have to finish off a bottle of wine first.

 It is amazing what a person can get done each day when 8 hours aren't spent working.  You can also take your sweet time at it too as you have all day. 

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