Sunday, June 3, 2012

Cleaned Up

 One of Derrick's former teammates got hitched a few weeks ago.  The ceremony lasted no more than 18 minutes at a gorgeous methodist church and the reception was  at the train station downtown Little Rock.  The food was more than incredible and this was the grooms cake! Now that I look at it...I wonder what the white was supposed to be...

Beer Frisbee-Polish Horseshoes

On memorial day I was introduced to a game that must be tried by at least one of you back home. Please!!  (Unless you have already heard of it). You simply use a frisbee to try and knock the pole or bottle off.  You can catch the bottle to save the day and you must catch the frisbee EACH time as well.  We had a good crowd and good music which made it hard to call it a night.  An SUV was eventually brought into the backyard in order to use the headlights to keep the game going. The average Joe plays with beer but I was sipping Beefeaters in honor of Grandpa Moore :) It didn't work out so well. 

p.s. still in love with this new camera lense.